Sutherland Shire Environment Centre aims to help and support individuals, local communities, and community organisations interested in improving our environment and encouraging sustainable living. This assistance can take a number of forms:
- Sutherland Shire Environment Centre is respected. Our members have diverse skills, years of experience dealing with issues that impact on the environment, and can offer invaluable strategic advice. We have credibility, and contacts.
- Environment Centre staff and volunteers can assist with operational support, such as ticketing and organisational assistance with events, proofing letters and submissions.
- We can help amplify your message to the wider community via our websites, social media, and assistance with media releases, and radio community service announcements.
- Sutherland Shire Environment Centre is Incorporated. This means the Centre can act as an auspicing organisation, which we are glad to do as long as we can be sure that responsible grant reporting requirements are fulfilled by the applicant.
- Our Incorporated status can support individuals and community groups with the administrative infrastructure you might need to achieve your environmental goals (ABN, bank account, tax deductibility, public liability and volunteers insurance).
- Sutherland Shire Environment Centre’s Local Environment of Australia Funding (LEAF) recognises and supports individuals and groups in the Sutherland Shire and bioregions who act to protect our environment. Local Environment of Australia funding applications are decided by our Board, and are distributed fairly and with integrity to eligible causes as stipulated by the LEAF grants criteria.
- We can also provide limited funding for expenses such as meeting room hire, printing, posters, and banners.
- Please note that we are an organisation largely run by volunteers. (Find out more about volunteering.) Because of this our ability to offer support will be dependent on our capacity, who is available to help, and overall organisational priorities.
The connections we form with other groups are aimed to benefit our environment, to generate strong strategic connections, and build each other as advocacy partners in the community.
- Digital projectors
- Projector screens (large)
- Speakers, microphone
- Long arm stapler
- Sticky tape dispensers (large)
- Hole punch (heavy duty)
- Clip boards
- Display/whiteboard easels
- Card table
- Long folding table
- Corflute board (up to 900×1200)